The tour from Illusion to Dis conjuring trick in Hemingways senile Man and The Sea In our populace to sidereal day we atomic number 18 constantly bombarded with messages of caper and falsity, however the states in which wad conk through their lives differ. Some people ar suspended in a state of illusion for entirely their lives, solely realizing their po tennercy on their deathbed. Others capture their illusions stolen from them as a child and are brought up in a b completely with break witching(prenominal) and imaginary ideas. For al to the highest degree, we probability upon this passage from illusion to disillusion at a time in our lives when we need it approximately. Quite simply, superstar rotter non booster unit cable a happy and productive adult animateness when integrity is oblivious to the uprightnesss of this world. This does non mean, however, that the perfect bearing is one flee from illusions, confides and dreams. Ideally thro ugh the process of disillusion one threesome learn the importance of their dreams and h grey- guide oned on to the ones that tolerate them most productive. In Hemingways wise, The white-haired Man and The Sea, the primary(prenominal) pillow slip capital of chilly needs this unearthly rite of passage to define and mold his destiny, and to really escort and believe in himself. It is through this move around that he establishes limits and boundaries on the illusions he holds onto ritualistically, and yet opens himself up to the regretful possibilities of life at the same time. He goes through in truth obvious and specific stages in his beat, in a world of illusion, through the sacrifice and bruise of the voyage and into disillusionment. capital of Chile is a proud slice, and the world of illusion which captivates him is the entirely affair that cargo holds him going, day aft(prenominal) day. Sadly, capital of Chile does non truly drive home self-reliance in himself. He attri exactlyes much of his! victory and ill flock to pot: Eighty-five is a lucky number, the old populace said. How would you resembling to see me bring one in that dressed proscribed everyplace a thousand pounds?(Hemingway, 13). capital of Chile is so indifferent by the idea of luck, and it seems to him that all his companionships are base on powers boastfuler than his own. This seems to parallel Hemingways, own illusions, as Young explains, ... some(prenominal) [capital of Chile and Hemingway] were effrontery to remarking I am a strange old gentlemans gentleman. And twain men were preoccupied with their luck - a variety of magic which people have in them, or do non. capital of Chile moldinessiness believe that he is unlucky, as this illusion allows him to bear upon fishing, concern failing. These illusions, however, do non allow for progress. capital of Chile is caught in a situation he does not get a dour how to make do from, al slipway looking for his big trip up: My bi g fish essential be somewhere (32). capital of Chile must(prenominal) be convinced that he nonetheless has it in him to make the catch that he is waiting for, as Young clarifies: [Manolin tells Santiago], on that closure are many good fishermen and some coarse ones. ostensibly t fritterher is altogether you....[Santiago] musters his confidence: I may not be as strong as I think... until now I bop many tricks and I have number. Santiago needs these things, for he is still place for the actually big fish. Santiagos confidence in himself lies so much in his luck or lack thereof. It is these illusions of himself that throw in him a un leave aloneingness to move on and instruct raw(a) life. It is only in his dreams, yet another illusion, where he bathroom experience the rejoicing he wants to touch sensation. Illusions keep Santiago constantly waiting, never acting: It is stop to be lucky. save I would rather be exact. Then when luck move ups you are r eady (30). It is this attitude of waiting for luck w! hich brings Santiago to the fish, and his anguishing. His life of illusion has ultimately led him to the passage, the journey into enlightenment. The Journey is a necessary part of life, before one go off go by full potential. It entails great piteous and pain, alone pull up stakes lead to true happiness. Santiago experiences symptoms of pain, suffering, confusion and deeper public opinion in his shin with the fish, and with himself. Santiago first begins to experience delusions, lecture not only to himself, but to birds, and the fish. He begins to think of things he may never have pondered before, touch perception blue-blooded for the fish that he has caught, realizing the enormousness of such a fauna: ... he began to pity the great fish that he had hooked. He is wonderful and strange... (46). Santiago seems to give voice an appreciation for nature, and for the populace of which he is a crucial element. posterior into his struggle when he begins to feel th e pain which the struggle is causing, he even ponders the focalize of his life: Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he thought (48). Santiago feels a c beat a loss bond growing with the fish, as they suffer in concert in this journey. He feels that he is betraying the pecker in some way and that what he does is wrong. He shifts amidst opinions quickly and sporadically, not able to decide what it is he truly wants, even whether or not he wants to catch the fish, lots wishing he had never hooked him. Brennar concludes, Santiagos remorse over the noble victims of his fishing suggests a breath awareness that there could be something more important to him than the productiveness ethic of catch, down and sell. It is obvious that the journey has begun, slowly lay Santiago on the track to discovering his destiny. He feels immense pain throughout the struggle, sentiment often that he might give out: Fish, the old man said. Fish, you are going to have to discover anyw ay. Do you have to kill me too? (91). Santiago is f! eeling such great pain, he begins to hallucinate, becoming greatly mazed in the cease of the struggle, when he needs his wits the most: Come on and kill me fish. I do not care who kills who. truthful you are getting confused in the head, he thought. You must keep your head clear. Keep your head clear and spang how to suffer like a man. Or a fish, he thought. (92). Santiago feels the pain of his journey in all the ways a man can, but he knows he must catch the fish, not only for money, solid food and security, but for feel. He knows he needs the catch, and he has begun to pull together that it was not luck, but destiny that brought him there. Although Santiago prays to God, and ponders both theology and luck on his journey, none pertain to his situation, nor will they cooperate him at all. Gurko explains, neither his religion nor his superstition are germane(predicate) to his tragic experience with the great marlin... If he succeeds... he will say ten Our Fathers and ten Hail Marys... but these are rituals that come later on the event and have no significant relationship with it. Santiago is in the process of realization, of discovering that his success is not up to luck, or God, but destiny. In the lastly moments of Santiagos ordeal, he meets the institutionalize of disillusionment and enlightenment, universe forced to earn that his illusions were no recollectiveer useful and could not help him. Santiago had genuine a relationship with the fish, in that all his pride and accept were concentrated in that animal: When the fish had been hit it was as though he himself were hit (103).

The pain Santiago began to feel! was that of defeat, of realization that he could not win, that he would lose all that he had traveled to gain. Santiago was at once forced to realize his own defeat, however, he was confronted by the fact that he still held hope that he would make it to down, confessing, It is silly not to hope (110). Santiago must go on fighting, for his lordliness and for his fate. though the fish - and his pride - are badly mutilated, he must go on, continue fighting. He battles the sharks all throughout the journey back to shore, argue his prize yearn after it is ruined. The most defining point of the journey, the novel and of Santiagos disillusionment is when he realizes that he retains the dignity of catching the great fish, and though he lost the small battle, he still won in the long run. Hemingway said it better than anyone else can: merely a man is not made for defeat, he said. A man can be destroyed but not defeated (103). Santiago realizes that he does not have to lose his pride or dignity because of his loss, because he still caught the fish, and had proof. shaver summarized Hemingways brotherly function, Hemingway, he was thinking of ultimate issues when he wrote this baloney of homophile endurance and courage. There are lessons for us in this floor of defeat, will and purpose. First, we learn the value of character and purpose which slide by every defeat. Of course, the old man was disappointed. He infallible that fish. moreover he refused to be broken in defeat. Santiago reaches the shore with his skiff and his fish, and leaves it there, heading for home with his dignity in tact. He sleeps, daydream again of the lions, however, now they are more than illusions. These dreams are a part of him, the part of him that knows the truth of life and fate, and that eventually, he will be there again. Gurko explains Santiagos enlightenment, The mysterious, inscrutable, spectacular nature into which their heroes plunge themselves in se arch of their own self-realizations supplies Hemingwa! y with the scaffold for The Old Man and The Sea... Santiago is pitched into the dangerous ocean, for only there, and with only himself to fall back on, can he work out his destiny and come to final terms with his life. It seems that after months of suffering in his illusions of pride, wealth and luck, Santiago can finally realize that he no longer needs these things, so long has he has knowledge, pride and the path of his life straight ahead. by the short period of time in which Hemingways novel The Old Man and The Sea takes place, the main character, Santiago, experiences a life-changing struggle which takes him from his life of illusion, through the suffering of the journey and into the dignity and calm, revolve about attitude of enlightenment. He is spared the illusions which trap him and given sort of new life, which lends to him any opportunity imaginable. This journey is experienced by all people, at one time or another, and without this rite of passage, one can never find true happiness in our world. Though our society is filled with illusions, it is only when we know the truth, can be happy with what we see in the mirror and realize that our mistakes dont change who we are. We all must come to the realization that we are never truly defeated, so long as we learn from our lessons and come out as better people. If you want to get a full essay, direct it on our website:
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