
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Corporate Governance Implications of Financial Fraud Dissertation

Corporate memorial tablet Implications of Financial Fraud - Dissertation ExampleStudents family lean First names Student ID No Course Supervisor Dissertation Title Corporate Governance Implications of Financial Fraud Declaration I certify that this dissertation is my own work. I have strike the University regulations concerning plagiarism. I am willing to allow the university to use my dissertation as a sample for early students. Financial statement thespian and Ponzi schemes involving Board Chairpersons and senior figures in public companies wasted billions of dollars of investor capital to hazard markets and public interest. These s backdals forced legislatures and regulators to question whether inadequacies in corporate governance contributed to a higher propensity for fake and how best to aline these. Although it is true that corporate governance alone is not the only reason for fiscal statement fraud, it makes sense to try to encourage bills to discharge their responsib ilities with due and diligent care. Because a corrupt board will propagate fraud, it makes sense to emphasize the independence of boards from management and independence of individual directors to ensure impressive boards. Only independent boards capable of exercising due diligence without negative influences exerted on audit committees, and auditors can ensure transparency and a commitment to ethical conduct must come from the top. For this dissertation, a literature review and case studies for selected early 21st-century fraud scandals serve to conceptualize corporate governance implications of financial fraud using inductive research. However, the research presented avoids a more extensive study involving examination of a distant larger number of fraud cases from fraud databases using statistical methods in an attempt to lean towards conceptual development. (This page intentionally left blank) CHAPTER 1 The corporate scandals of the early 21st century shocked the financial co mmunity around the world to present an impetuous for government regulatory action to try to correct the prevailing laxity in safeguards against corporate fraud (Causseaux, 2007, pp. 151 152). In the United States of America, scandals surrounding Enron, WorldCom, Aldephi, and HealthSouth were a yield of discussion for many an(prenominal) even though financial fraud was to continue to prevail in many other parts of the world.

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