
Monday, May 27, 2019

Halloween Night

It is 830 on Halloween night as I am walking down the long streets of Clinton hearing nothing but children screaming, cars beeping, and leaves crackling beneath my feet in the cold, fall night. I turn the corner and see college kids and p arents express feelings by the Tavern as they exit the building. Making my way down the street with my friends by my side, cars are zooming by us like a school day of fish swimming to get away from sharks. All of a sudden the group of kids I am with get attacked with shaving cream by underclassmen that conceptualise they are funny. A police slows down as he passes us to see what all the commotion was.Realizing it was nothing he continues on his nightly route. cruel and startled we walk away slowly because we were not dressed for the occasion of what kids call bombing. Minutes passed and we decided to go trick-or-treating. Approaching a foretoken with a long cobble stone driveway and bright yellow lights we finally reach our destination. Warm ap ple cider and fresh cinnamon donuts are passed out among all of the people. We make our way tooshie to town passing little kids in a variety of different costumes. Also middle and senior high school school students throwing eggs and attacking each other with shaving cream.Dodging all the action we walk on the opposite side of the street they are on so we dont get hit. Arriving back into town we see teachers, parents, and kids we know. After a warm welcoming of hellos we decided to make our way back to our homes considering it was a school night and it was getting late. Streets were starting to become puddle as people decided the Halloween night was over. Adults turned off their lights making it clear they were done handing out candy for the night. Clintons streets remained silent as Halloween night came to an end.

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